On Hudson Street, amidst a lively and colorful neighborhood, lives a spirited little girl named Funky Nicky. With her boundless energy and an unmistakable love for polka dots, stripes, and everything purple, Nicky is a vibrant and cherished member of the community. Her whimsical outfits and infectious enthusiasm bring a splash of joy to everyone around her.
Funky Nicky’s world is a delightful mosaic of quirky family, friends, and neighbors, each with their own unique charm. Together, they form a close-knit community where every day is filled with fun and adventure.
When her neighbor’s cat, Jessee, gets stuck in a tree, Nicky rallies them all to help rescue Jessee. Through song and teamwork they free Jessee, turning an ordinary day into an unforgettable adventure!
Joanne Verney has spent decades delighting children with her captivating storytelling, a passion that began in her teenage years when she earned the endearing title of “Auntie Jo.”